If you’ve learned anything from your chemistry classes in high school, it would be that contact between two chemical substances can create a reaction. A reaction triggered by smell can ignite desire, excitement and even transcends time as we know it. Hunq’s founder and creator, Hyun Yeu, was on the hunt for men’s ultimate scents and simply bottling it up. But what does a man smell like? and if it’s kind of smelly, would i wear it? yes, you would and you will. ‘We fantasise about certain types of guys, and we imagine their scents. It’s all about the chemistry’. And that’s where pheromones come in. Hyun’s search for the scents of the ‘archetype’ male was fuelled and ignited by his own recollection of smells of people, objects, first dates and the never ending array of perfume ingredients. Not your traditional mixture of ingredients, but ever so surprisingly delicious.