Fresh Ambery. Ambergris, the near-mythical aged and oxidized exudate from a sperm whale, is one of the most prized ingredients in perfumery. Due to its rarity and cost, Ambergris (“grey amber”) is synthetic in 99 percent perfumes that list it as an ingredient.
In Ambre Supreme, the natural version specially sourced and tinctured using our proprietary ultrasound extraction is used in a 10% dosage, putting a spotlight on this precious ingredient with a unique ability to amplify and unify other notes in a composition.
All of Ambregris’s intriguing facets are on display from the ambery, animalic, to the mineral, marine-like and salty- adding what perfumer Antoine Lie describes as a “sheen, a patina, a feeling” to the fragrance.
Precious ingredient: Ambre gris 10%